

XML, JSON, AND AJAX By: Gonzales, Brian Gabriel E. What is XML? - Extensible Markup Language is known as XML. It is a markup language made specifically to convey and store structured data. In order to encode documents in a way that is both machine- and human-readable, XML requires a set of rules. Similar to HTML, XML stores data in a hierarchical format. However, XML is concentrated on describing the structure and substance of data, in contrast to HTML, which is largely used for displaying and formatting web content. It offers a method for creating unique tags and elements to represent data in a particular domain or application. Elements, attributes, and text content are all parts of an XML document. Start and end tags are used to enclose elements, and they are capable of having child elements. The start tag of an element contains the attributes that are used to describe the element in more detail. The data that is present in an element is represented by text content. Many different ap

SQL : Structured Query Language

SQL: Structured Query Language By: Gonzales, Brian Gabriel E. What is SQL? - Structured Query Language, or SQL (pronounced "ess-que-el"), is a query language. A database can be communicated with using SQL. It is the preferred language for relational database management systems, claims ANSI (the American National Standards Institute). To update data in a database or to get data from a database, SQL statements are employed. Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, Ingres, and other popular relational database management systems are only a few examples.     SQL Commands SELECT  - extracts data from a database UPDATE  - updates data in a database DELETE  - deletes data from a database INSERT INTO  - inserts new data into a database CREATE DATABASE  - creates a new database ALTER DATABASE  - modifies a database CREATE TABLE  - creates a new table ALTER TABLE  - modifies a table DROP TABLE  - deletes a table CREATE INDEX  - creates an index (search key) DROP INDEX  - deletes a


DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE, INTERACTIVE DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE, AND EMBEDDED DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE By: Gonzales, Brian Gabriel E. What is Data Definition Language (DDL)? - Although it may sound like another programming language, data definition language is merely a way of classifying the many kinds of SQL statements. The set of SQL commands known as Data Definition Language (DDL) can be used to design and modify database structures. Indexes, triggers, tables, and views are all examples of objects that can be created, modified, or removed using DDL statements. Common DDL statements are as follows: CREATE (generates a new table) ALTER (alters table) Drop (removes a table from the database) What is Interactive Data Manipulation Language? -  A relational database management system can employ the computer language Interactive Data Manipulation Language (IDML) to manipulate and alter data. (RDBMS). It is mostly used to extract, modify, and analyze data from databases that are stored i


DATABASE, MS EXCEL, AND MS ACCESS By: Gonzales, Brian Gabriel E. What is a Database? A database is a grouping of information that is logically related and is set up such that it is simple to access, administer, and change. A database management system (DBMS) often controls how databases are accessed electronically from a computer system.   What Type of Software is Microsoft Office Excel? The Microsoft Office software package contains the spreadsheet program Microsoft Excel. With the use of both simple and advanced arithmetic operations and functions, spreadsheets let users manipulate tables of numbers that are organized in rows and columns. The application is compatible with several operating systems, including Windows, macOS, mobile devices, and tablets.    What Type of Software is Microsoft Access? A database management system and application organization service is Microsoft Access. Software developers and application developers use it mostly to create their programs using the progr


MY EXPERIENCE IN INFORMATION MANAGEMENT CLASS By: Brian Gabriel Gonzales Being a BS in Information and Technology student, I expected already that we'd have this kind of subject. Information management is all about teaching us how to manage, organize, sort out, and use the different types of information that we, as users, are receiving and giving off to the computer, device, or any other medium that we are using. At first, it's kind of hard to understand since it's our first time taking this class. The first lesson that we learned is about databases, since that is the main purpose of this subject. It's a little bit confusing for me because it has different definitions, but the main purpose of this is to organize data. And I'm looking forward to us making our own database for our project. Our information management class, both lecture and laboratory, is fun and exciting. It's just that I enjoy more the laboratory part since we are doing hands-on activities, and I


DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM By: Gonzales, Brian Gabriel E. What is a Database Management System?           The system software used to create and administer databases is referred to as a database management system (DBMS). End users can create, protect, read, update, and remove data in a database with the help of a DBMS. Topics Functions of DBMS Advantages of DBMS Disadvantages of DBMS Functions Of DBMS These are the operations of a database management system and how it works. Data Definition Data Manipulation Data Security and Integrity Data Recovery and Concurrency Data Dictionary DATA DEFINITION Metadata must be accepted in source form by the DBMS and converted to the proper object form. DATA MANIPULATION It is the ability of the DBMS to be able to process user requests to access, update already-existing data in the database, and add new data. DATA SECURITY AND INTEGRITY Any efforts to bypass the security and integrity tests specified by the database administrator must be rejected by